
Battrick is a marathon, not a sprint. Devise a long-term strategy for improving your players, your club's financial situation and the performance of your team.

Franchise - a second team

A franchise is another team that is directly linked to your main team, but runs independent to it. The option to create a franchise is only available to BTers who pay for membership.

Your franchise team will have its own set of players, income, members, nets, etc - effectively it runs as a separate team.
You are not allowed to trade between your main team and your franchise team - they must run totally independently.

If the franchise goes bankrupt, it will close and you will not be allowed to start a new franchise for 8 weeks. If the main team goes bankrupt, the franchise will be lost as well.

When setting up your franchise, it must be in a different country from your main team. Your franchise team will not convey any voting privileges in that country for elections.
Your main team will not be allowed to emigrate to that country and it is not possible to emigrate with your franchise side.

You must maintain membership to keep the franchise. If membership runs out and is not resumed within 2 weeks, the franchise will be lost.

Swapping back and forth between which team is currently being managed is done from the Office page under the Main menu, or by clicking on your team name in the banner.